Results 2
Results within the AEROFLEX project
Per category you can click on the available reports.
Most of the reports are confidential (CO), in those cases only a public summary is available.
Result categories
- Map and quantify load in EU and potential for configurable truck
1.1. Transport market and its drivers with respect to new vehicle concepts [2018, full report]
1.2 Decision maker survey on new vehicle concepts [2018, summary] - Advanced Energy Management Powertrain (AEMPT)
- Aerodynamic Features for the Complete Vehicle (AFCV)
3.1. Report on selection of concepts [2018, summary] - Smart loading units (SML)
4.1 Use cases and requirements defined for smart loading units in a multi-modal context and KPIs [2018, summary] - Innovative Front End Design for more Safety (IFEDS)
5.1 Safety issues for safety system design [2018, summary] - Demonstration, validation and analyses of feasibility
- Recommendations and roadmap for a new regulatory framework
Project Results
Project Public Material
Pictures Movies
Press Releases
Project Flyer Newsletters
AEROFLEX Workshop On Logistics (594.9 KiB)
Newspaper 2030 (1.1 MiB)
Uniresearch AEROFLEX Flyer A4 1816 Web (1.1 MiB)
AEROFLEX Workshop On Logistics - 2018-March (594.9 KiB)
External downloads
AEROFLEX Final Event Directions (180.0 KiB)
AEROFLEX Final Event Hotels (166.4 KiB)
AEROFLEX Final Event Hotels (166.4 KiB)
AEROFLEX-Final Event-Programma-Website (165.2 KiB)
Presentation CFD and Windtunnel tests - Automotive Ethernet Comm. - Trailer to Train - Impact and Validation (7.6 MiB)
Presentation Keynote - Project Overview & Main Results - AEMPT & Smart Power Dolly (9.7 MiB)
Presentation Market Impact and Potential Impact - Front-end Design - Active and Passive Systems (2.6 MiB)
Presentation Panel Discussion (446.8 KiB)
Presentation Posters (5.8 MiB)
Presentation Recommendations and Hand Over Intelligent Access Policies (2.1 MiB)